10 Acts Of Chivalry Men Need To Bring Back

What is a Chivalry ?




In the past, chivalry was as a set of honorable qualities and attributes that were traditionally associated with medieval knights. Qualities such as bravery, loyalty, honesty, generosity, honor are a few examples of chivalrous knights. However, in modern times, it describes man’s courteous and gallant treatment of women. Men who practice chivalry are typically respectful, considerate, and polite to the women in their lives. This can involve acts such as holding doors open, offering to carry heavy items, or paying for meals. Chivalry is often seen as a mark of a true gentleman, as it demonstrates a willingness to put the needs and comfort of others before one’s own.




10 Acts of Chivalry Men Need To Bring Back


Here we listed 10 great acts of quality that you as a man can do to bring back chivalry. Of course, there are many more manners that you can consider to show appreciation and love towards your partners.


1. Walk on the street side of the sidewalk


The reasoning behind this gesture was to protect the woman from any dirt or debris that might be kicked up by passing carriages or horses. It also served to protect her from any potential dangers such as splashing water, mud or from being accidentally pushed into the street. While this particular risk is less of a concern in modern times due to changes in transportation and urban planning, walking on the street side of the sidewalk can still be a polite and respectful gesture towards a woman. It shows that a man is attentive to her needs and is willing to take steps to ensure her safety and comfort.

2. Open Doors for Her


It is one of the easiest way to implement your chivalrous act towards a woman. It’s important to note that opening doors for a woman is not about implying that she is incapable of doing it herself. Historically, this gesture may have originated from the idea that men should take care of women and protect them from harm. However, today it is a simple act of politeness that can help to create a positive and respectful interaction between people. Whether you are going into a building, a house, or even before driving a car, you can show your love and respect by holding the door for her. It’s important to note that opening doors for a woman is not about implying that she is incapable of doing it herself.


3. Pulling out a woman’s Chair


This of chivalry is simple but becoming very rare nowadays. To be honest, it has been a while I last seen a young man pulling out a chair for a woman. Generally, it is prevalent among older couples and many elderly. Unfortunately, it is becoming a thing of the past among our generation. Nowadays, pulling out a chair for a woman can simply be seen as a polite and thoughtful gesture, much like holding a door open. It can help to make a woman feel special and respected, and can create a positive impression in social or professional settings.


4. Keeping Promises


One of the chivalry that women look for is a man who keeps his words. Albeit small promises, it is important to show that you are a man of his words. For examples – calling her the time you said you will call her, showing up on time as promised, and buying her even smallest thing she requested that you made a promise to do so.


5. Drop her off


It is an act of chivalry that demonstrates respect, courtesy, and care towards her. It shows that a man values her safety and wants to ensure that she arrives at her destination safely. Dropping a woman off is polite, especially, if she is a guest or if the man is accompanying her to an event or function. It also demonstrates that a man is willing to go out of his way to assist a woman. If you are sending her home in a taxi, make sure that you follow up with her through text or phone call to ensure that you arrive home safety. Many women will take such manner positively in situations where she may feel vulnerable or uncertain.



6. Warm her up if she is cold


If your partner is feeling physically cold, here are some ways you can help warm them up:

  1. Offer them a warm drink: A hot cup of tea or coffee can do wonders to warm someone up from the inside out.
  2. Cuddle up under a blanket: Snuggling under a cozy blanket together can help both of you feel warmer and more connected.
  3. Offer them warm clothing: If your partner is feeling cold, you could offer them a warm sweater, socks, or a hat to wear.
  4. Turn up the heat: If you’re at home, you could turn up the thermostat a degree or two to make the room warmer.
  5. Use a space heater: If you don’t want to turn up the heat for the whole house, a small space heater can be a good way to warm up a specific area.
  6. Light a fire: If you have a fireplace, lighting a fire can be a great way to create a warm and cozy atmosphere.
  7. Give them a massage: A gentle massage can help increase circulation and warm up your partner’s body.


7. Send her things she likes


I understand many girls don’t want to be seen as materialistic individual. Especially nowadays many more women are becoming more financially independent. Thus, they do not require many things from man except love, honesty, and loyalty. However, sending her things that she likes is still appropriate things to do so. Let’s say your girl mentioned that she likes cats. You can send her cat stickers or pens that has cat stickers on it. It does not necessarily have to be anything expensive. She will considers it as a token of love, appreciation, and paying attention to her.


8. Give up your seat


Offering a seat to someone in a crowded or busy environment can help to create a sense of community and connection. It is a small gesture that helps to break down social barriers and bring people together, even if only for a short time. It demonstrates kindness, respect, and consideration for others, which are all values that are closely associated with the chivalric code of behavior.



9. Not Playing Games


There is nothing more that can make you look more attractive than you not playing games with your significant other. You have to make sure that she knows you have interest in her. You need to be confident enough that you are into her and not trying to play push or pull games with her. If she is a woman that deserves a great great gentleman, she will appreciate all the effort you put into building the relationship.



10. Defend her in Public


We are all human. We all make mistakes, even you. There will come a time when you have to stand up for her and defend her in public. Albeit she is on the wrong side, you need to defend her in public and correct her in private. Never let your woman be intimidated by the third parties or strangers. You have to show that you are the man she can rely on and that she can take shelter when storm surges.